I would like to suggest few tips which can be taken care before filing of returns for the Fin year 2022-2023.
Please collect interest certificate from banks/ societies/ post office for the year including interest received and accrued. Both will be uploaded by them.
Please check with your pass sheets
Wait until they upload the Q4 returns and appear in AIS.( Form 26 as is replaced by AIS).
In case there are any sale of mutual fund/ shares during the fin year, pl get capital gains statement from such companies. Please check data as per form 16 ( received or receivable) with pension advices received every month. Also check tax deducted by office and banks etc with your pension / TDS certificates.
Please check if the tax deducted is correctly appearing in Income return data( You can just check without submitting by going to file returns option )
There is time to file returns, just do not hurry up filing returns.
Office has sent all of you income tax review up to the month of March 23.
Please check form 16 for correctness of data.