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Authority PC No.14/95 Dt.14-06-1995
The rules governing Probation and Confirmation of employees are covered by Standing Order No.4(c) in respect of non-executives and Rule No.36 of the
R & P Rules and the orders of appointment/promotion in respect of both the executives and non-executives. These rules are summarized below for the information of all the employees :
- The period of probation is 6 months in the case of non-executives and 12 months in the case of executives and non-executives promoted to posts in Grade-I.
- An employee will be treated as on probation till he/she is confirmed or discharged. The employee is deemed as confirmed in his/her post, only when he/she is intimated to that effect in writing.
- During the period of probation, employees are to be watched for their ability, conduct and attendance and monthly progress reports are to be maintained by the concerned Departmental Head or an Officer authorized by him. At the end of probation period, the Departmental Head will send to the Personnel Department a report in the prescribed form, intimating whether the employee has successfully completed the probation and hence could be confirmed, or otherwise.
- Any deficiencies noticed in the performance of the employee during the period of probation shall be brought to his notice in writing, thereby affording him/her a chance to over come the same and improve his/her performance
Extension of Probation :
- If the performance of an employee is not found to be satisfactory inspite of intimating the deficiencies noticed in writing, his/her services will be terminated if he/she was appointed from open market and reverted to the lower post if he/she had been a Company employee appointed/promoted to the present post.
- In exceptional cases, the Competent Authority may consider extending the probationary period of 6 months in the case of non-executives and such period as deemed fit in the case of executives, and then decide the question of confirmation of the employee in the present post on the basis of his/her performance during the extended period of probation.
- If, at the end of such extended period, the employee’s performance is still found to be unsatisfactory, action shall be taken as mentioned in para above.
Effect of Extension of Probation :
- An employee whose probation has been extended will lose the seniority by a period equivalent to the period the probation was extended.
- The due date of increment will also be postponed to the extent of extension of the probation period. The due date of increment thereafter will be reckoned with reference to the actual date of confirmation.
Confirmation :
- Confirmation on satisfactory completion of probation period : If an employee on probation has completed the probation period to the satisfaction of the Competent Authority, Orders will be issued confirming the employee in the appointed/promoted post from the date following the date of satisfactory completion of the prescribed period of probation.
- Confirmation in cases where probation period is extended : In case of employee on extended probation has successfully completed the probation during the extended to the satisfactory of the Competent Authority, orders will be issued confirming the employee in the appointed/promoted post from the date of following the date of satisfactory completion of the extended period of probation, with attendant consequences as mentioned in para-4 above
- Probation/Confirmation in cases where promotion orders have been issued subsequent to the effective date of promotion.
- The procedure to be followed in cases where the promotion orders have been issued on a date subsequent to the effective date of promotion have been circulated vide circular No.BDL/04/C-P&A, dated 21-09-994, the procedure is re-circulated hereunder, incorporating the necessary modifications in the light of the preceding paragraphs.
- In all cases where the promotion orders have been issued subsequent to the effective date, the probation will commence from the date of issue of the promotion order.
- The probation period will be 6 months and 12 months for non-executives and executives respectively unless extended by a specific order, as mentioned in para3.
- On satisfactory completion of the probation period, orders confirming the employee in the promoted grade will be issued.
- In case the probation has been extended, the confirmation order will be issued, provided the employee has completed probation satisfactorily during the extended period. In such cases, the confirmation order will be effective from the date following the date of satisfactory completion of the extended period of probation with attendant consequences as mentioned in paragraph 4 above.
- In case the performance of the employee is not found satisfactory by the competent authority even during the extended period of probation, he/she shall be reverted to the post held by him/her prior to the promotion.
Annexure to PC No. 28/2011 dated 02 sep 2011 CAREER PLAN RULES >
Career Plan for Non-Executives
Description of Non- Executive Wage Groups.
Career Growth in Non-Executive Cadre
Eligibility Criteria for Promotions in Non-Executive Cadre (Eligibility Period, Performance Rating, Physical Attendance)
Notification for promotion
Selection process for promotion
Approval of Selection List for Promotion
Promotion Orders-Effective date
Promotions from Non-Executive Cadre
Vacancies for Promotions from Non-Executive Cadre
Other Eligibility Criteria for Promotion
Physical Attendance
Reckoning of Candidates for appearing for the process of selection in the 1:5 ratio
Formation of Departmental Promotion Committee
Notification for promotion
Identification of candidates for appearing in the Selection process for Promotion
Exclusions/Disqualification from Promotion